Principal's Message

Education is the foundation of an enlightened society. It ignites the ignorant mind and spread knowledge in every walk of life. Education helps in creating a rule based society where every citizen is aware of his/her fundamental rights and is ready to discharge his/her fundamental duties. It envisions a society where every citizen declutter his/her ignorance and can make informed choices without any biasness and steers his/her life to the highest peak of potential.

As a teacher training institute, District Institute of Education & Training (DIET), Kamalpur has crossed many milestones since its inception in 2004 and is making great strides in attaining 21st century skills among the students. This institute is recognized by National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) vide Order No: ERC/7-45(ER-45.5.4)/2004/1759 dated 8th June, 2004. It offers 2 – year Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) course and is wholly controlled and monitored by SCERT, Tripura. It trains Pre-service and In-service Student teachers and conducts research in different areas of school education. It monitors the academic performance of the district and provides support in every possible aspects of school education.

As a teacher training institute, its journey from a simple teacher training institute back in 2004 to a fully developed teacher training institute with all the modern state of the art facilities, is a remarkable one and a lot of people contributed enormously in shaping this institute into this present form. I extend my deepest sense of appreciation to all those who had contributed in building this institute as a place of great value in terms of rigorous training and orientation of future teachers. I further extend my sincere gratitude to all the present teaching and non-teaching staffs for maintaining its educational standard with utmost zeal and sincerity. 

Dr.  Subrata Sarkar
Principal (I/C)

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